This is a really cool conference/gathering this coming weekend. Hope you can join us. The focus here is reforming Physical Education.
National Applied Functional Physical Education Conference
October 24th, 2009
Farmington High School, Farmington, Mi
8:00-8:30 Registrant arrival and welcome
8:30-9:20 Frank Forencich
Exuberant Animal: A primal, practical
and playful approach to transformation
fitness is an exciting concept that's truly multi-
in scope. We begin by looking at the state of the body
modern challenges to health. We then turn to the elements of
training: definitions, isolation v. integration, kinetic
and neuromuscle. Then we explore applications and method,
the power of play and the promise of the martial art model.
9:30-10:20 Vern
“ The importance of
precision and mindful movement/Building from the ground up.” This session
will demonstrate exercise progressions to develop the foundation of functional
fitness; leg strength that is integrated
with balance a flexibility.
10:30-11:20 Steve Myrland
"Simple Tools - Complex Results: Creating Fitness and Health With Movement
Understanding Movement"
with a few essential truths about how bodies move, we will explore the means by
which you can create practical, portable and compelling training programs
requiring no equipment. These movements
can be layered to build stand-alone training blocks, and can also be the
"glue" that permits you to assemble programs of greater complexity
using equipment (on a minimal budget).
Body-based movement is the necessary beginning point for truly living-happily,
healthfully-in your body.
11:30-1220 Mike Meeteer/John Ditter
Middle /High school
"Adding to
the "New" Paradigm of Resistance Training: Going
Back to the
Future with the Train Station and Jungle Gym"
a return to the what use to make physical education class a great
to get functionally stronger. A simple tubing system that packs a punch,
the Train Station just might convince you to get rid of your bench press, ,
pulldown, multi-hip machine, etc. The Jungle Gym is a piece of webbing that is
THE most effective piece of equipment for building pulling strength while using
weight as resistance. Participants will also try the new "Body Row Pulling
Assessment", where everyone succeeds at their appropriate level of
12:20-1:00 Box Lunch/ Vendor Area
1:00-1:50 Frank Forencich:
“Secret moves and games of the Play Masters”
is not random. To make it work, we need a focused approach and a
idea of what we're doing. In this segment, we begin by
the proper tone of gravity and levity. Then we practice
essentials of spotting and heckling. This leads into a broader
of highly physical and robust games.
2:00-2:50 Greg Thompson:
5 in 5 and 10 in 10, whole body exercises for warm-up
or general fitness
Using body resistance, walk with us through a program that
was designed to use in both the gym and classroom. The program features a variety of exercises
that are fun and interesting for your students. Be prepared to move and have
your strength, balance and coordination challenged.
3:00-3:50 Steve Myrland
"Simple Tools - Complex Results: Creating Fitness and Health With Movement
Connecting Movements"
is the rubber-meets-the-road portion of learning to combine body-based movement
with a few simple pieces of training equipment to create endlessly variable and
challenging physical puzzles for bodies to solve. Considerations of venue, available equipment,
number of participants and time constraints will all be addressed. You will leave this session with the ability
to design and build functional movement programs . . . anywhere . . . anytime .
. . with anything . . . for anybody.