Functional training is training. All training is functional,
it is just that some training rates higher on a continuum of function than
others. If you are not sure how to make your training more functional here are
a few tips that should guide you. This not rocket science, I think you
will see when you analyze successful long term athletic development programs that
all these elements appear in some way, shape or form. Incorporate fundamental movements and build on them.
Walk, jog, run, sprint in all directions from varied starting positions and with varied rhythms. Pull and push. Bend
and reach. Lift and drop. Creep and crawl. Start and stop. Hop, jump and bound. Put and throw. Roll and tumble. Do
all of these movements in all planes of movement, change speed and rhythm, add
or reduce resistance and systematically vary the mode of resistance. Explore
all dimensions of movement in a mindful manner. Master each element. Gradually increase the
complexity of the movement problems the body must solve. Combine all of
this into a systematic approach that has a clear progression to a specific goal - excellence in the competitive arena.