My library also doubles as my office. I thought I would share with you what it looks like. What you see here are all books on training and sport science, my other books, history, philosophy, biography and fiction are downstairs spread over several rooms. I started collecting books and creating files of articles on training when I was in high school. It used to be much better organized, but as the volume of material, books, manuscripts, and magazines has grown it seems to be more about piles. Most of the time I can find what I am looking for, but sometime it takes me a while to dig back into a closet or a pile to find it. In addition to what you see here I have journals back to1968 in boxes in the attic. The ones that are now archived on line I am planning on getting rid of. Other like the Yessis Review and some foreign journals I plan on keeping. I am working on finding a better way to store them. Wish I had time to scan them all, maybe someday. I hope this inspires you to read, research, learn and maybe start your own libraries.