For may of you that just started reading this blog in the
past years or months August 4, 2005 was my first post on
All the posts until May 6, 2008 are on blogspot when I
migrated over to present host. I think you will see that I have not changed my
tune at all. Always following the functional path to build and rebuild the
complete athlete. Sometimes I have been the only one on this path, at other
times it has been quite crowed, but there never has been a dull moment. My
philosophy for over 40 years is that the pursuit of excellence has it’s own
rewards and that knowledge is power. No fads, no frills, just principles and
results building a body of work for over 41 years. I sincerely hope you will
continue with me on the exploration of the functional path. There are many trails
to be explored and many questions to be answers and ideas to be tried.