Here is my training secret. The secret is there no secret. No potions. No fads. No Frills. No Gimmicks. No Quick Fixes. No Crash programs, because you end up crashing with those programs. Just basic principle based, focused training designed to meet sport demands and fit the needs of the individual athlete. My approach is very minimalist, work with the tools you have. When I started coaching track & field 42 years ago we did not have a track, so we laid out a track on the grass. Two year later five junior high kids under five minutes in the mile. As I get older and maybe just a bit wiser I am so thankful that my roots in coaching are deeply embedded in track & field. In track you can’t hide. If you do stupid stuff it shows up quickly. Fads and gimmicks don’t work. The simple accountability of running faster, jumping higher or faster and throwing farther demands that you reduce training to its essence.
In my younger days just like many of you I thought there were secrets. I searched high and low, far and wide trying to find the secrets. After 12 years of searching I came to realization that there just weren’t any secrets. All the great athlete’s and coaches that I observed and studied did not try to hide anything. It was right out in the open. They trained consistently with a clear training philosophy that guided them. Some were more scientific than others, but they all arrived at the same point. They were all consistent, patient and methodical. They were innovative, they were constantly fine-tuning and adjusting, but they never flip-flopped their approach or deviated from their core training principles.
So some words of advice, forget searching for secrets, there aren’t any. If someone try’s to tell you otherwise, I would become very suspicious, especially if they were trying to sell their secrets. Know the basics coach the basics and build on the basics and success will follow. It is process, building a complete athlete takes time. Invest the time and you and your athletes will reap the rewards.