In past years I have written this wrap-up within a day or two of the conclusion of GAIN but this year it has taken me a bit longer to assimilate the whole experience. Frankly I was a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing. It was an experience. We grew from 42 participants last year including faculty to 62 this year and that coupled with a new venue made it much better but much tougher to administer. You must always take the bitter with the sweet as they say. The administration and the business of it all is not my passion, my passion is teaching, coaching and learning and there was plenty of that, enough to sustain me for another year. The schedule was intense staring with a morning field session at 6:30 AM and ending at 9:00 PM with minimal breaks. (Something we will change next year – we need more breaks to be able to absorb the information) It was an amazing collection of people with rich and varied experiences who were willing to share openly. The incredible knowledge and humility of the faculty who are giants in their fields like Kelvin Giles, Jim Radcliffe, Gary Winckler and Jack Blatherwick who were so willing to share their knowledge, successes and failures. They set the tone and it was impressive. No Internet superstar’s here just real coaches, therapists and teachers who have walked the walk and produced at the highest levels of sport. They raised the bar and the rest of us followed.
The concept of GAIN has been a dream of mine since early in my career when I saw the total immersion coaching school format in the early 1970’s. I have dreamed about doing it since then. Four years ago we started small with 28 participants and to see it grow like it has in four short years is a dream come true. The key is the people, both the students and the faculty, and their willingness to share and exchange ideas. But GAIN is more than information sharing, it is a community or to use Seth Godin’s term a tribe. It is a group of professionals who are capable of changing each of their own worlds and defining the field of Athletic Development. I am reminded of Margaret Mead’s words: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Have no doubt the seeds of the ideas sown at GAIN will grow and influence the profession.
Personally it was even more special to have my wife Melissa be there the whole time. On June 19 we celebrated our fortieth wedding anniversary. My daughter Kirsten participated in a panel discussion that evening on the female athlete that made it a very special day.
I want to thank the entire faculty and the returnees who have come back each year to participate. Special thanks to Joe P. who has worked so hard to make the library and forum work and Tracy Fober whose support has been special. You guys are awesome. You do so much to make it a magical week in my life each year.
Now the real challenges are to follow-up and sustain the passion and enthusiasm when we are off in our own worlds. The GAIN members have an online library and forum to get information and continue to share and support each other. I hope some of you will apply for next years GAIN. It will be in the middle of June again. I will have the exact dates, site and faculty by mid August. I can’t wait only 51 weeks to GAIN 2012.
Enjoy the following pictures of GAIN 11 there will more to follow on the GAIN Facebook site whn I get back from Trinidad next week.