Is what you are doing in training making your athletes better or is it just making them tired? If your athletes are improving do you know why? What is working? What isn’t working? Do you know what performance variables are contributing to the improvement of your athletes? Chances are it is not that magic “one off” hard workout you gave them last week nor is it the super exercise you pulled off some random site on the Internet. It is not an isolation of one or two training variables, but it is a blend of all the training variables into a viable training program. Just like we do not segment the body or isolate individual muscles, we must look closely at how the training variables interact. It is important to understand which elements contradict each other and which complement and enhance each other. It is just like investing for retirement you want to have a diversified portfolio; you don’t want all your eggs in one basket and you allow time for the investment to grow. Balance all the elements and give it time so that the athlete is growing into a complete athlete not an adapted specialized one with a narrow range of skills. True training success must be diversified to insure a return on your training investment that will result in improved competition results.