Lately it seems I have been getting many questions about various popular training programs. Rather than speaking directly to any one program I think it is better to give insight into how I evaluate a program. I start pretty basic:
What – What actually is a program? What is the philosophy? Are they selling something, a subscription or a service? Do you need a boxed set of DVD’s or a membership?
Who – Who designed the program. What is their background? But more importantly whom specifically is the program designed for? Is it for athletes or general fitness population?
Why – What is the rationale behind the program? Is there a scientific and methodological basis?
How – How is the system implemented? Is it sport appropiate?
When – Is there a plan? Variation is fine, but is it systematic and planned? Is there a progression?
Injuries – Does the program hurt people? Look at the pattern of injuries and the type of injuries that people who use the program incur. As Tony Dungy said “ the most important ability is availability.” If you are hurt you can’t compete.
Once I thoroughly explore all of those then I apply the 3M Criteria, is what the program purports to do:
Manageable: Can I do it the time, context, personnel and facilities available?
Measurable: Can I actually apply appropriate metrics to measure progress?
Motivational: Do the participant (all concerned including the coaches) look forward to doing it?
Last but not least I want to know if it produces adaptable athletes or just athletes who are adapted to that system. At the end of the day in my work, coaching, it is about the bottom line. Does what I do make the players better and keep them healthy so they are ready to thrive in the competitive arena, not just survive?