The other day someone told me that I was old school. By their tone it was clearly meant as a put down. I took it as a huge complement. If old school is holding to your core beliefs, turning those beliefs into action through the principles I have been outlining over the past few weeks, then I am definitely old school. I will not blow in the wind following the latest training fads and fancies. I choose to stay the course and keep the compass oriented to true north. I know that is the surest way to the destination and most importantly the means to achieve consistent reproducible results in the competitive arena.
If old school is having a clear vision of the finished product with a clear understanding of current reality then I am old school. If old school is knowing where you have come from and acknowledging and giving credit to those who have helped you then I am old school. If old school is talking about your failures and learning from them, then I am old school. If old schoold is following the rules, then I am old school.
I could go on, but I think you get the point. School is open, join me, the school bell ringing loud and clear to start a new session. Respect yourself, your colleagues and the athletes you work with. Set high expectations for yourself and those you work with. Strive for the excellence. Pay your dues; you can’t enroll in the army as a general. Success and recognition take time. Above all keep learning and experiment, but don’t lose the compass. Stick to your core beliefs and turn them into action. Stay the course!