Going to Seattle today to teach the two-day version of “Return to Play Strategies – Rebuilding the Athlete” seminar. The philosophy behind this seminar is simple:
Rehab and rebuild the athlete not the injury.
It is not a race to get them back, it is a process to get them better.
I teach the seminar from the perspective of an Athletic Development Coach who has had the opportunity to work in this environment in several sports. I see myself as part of a team that guides the athlete back to their sport without limitations on their performance. You get the athlete better by focusing on what the athlete can do, not what they can’t do. We emphasize progressions not protocols; everything is a step in the progression to full return to play. It is criteria based. No arbitrary timeline and artificial strategies. It is a hand’s on labor-intensive process to prepare a completely adaptable athlete to return to competition.
If you are interested in hosting this seminar in the future please drop me an email at [email protected]