I left home on September 23 to do a seminar in Seattle and then go onto Australia. Since then it feels like I have been traveling nonstop. I certainly have accrued some significant frequent flier miles. Now that I am home for seven straight days and my body has some idea of what continent it is on I will get back into he routine of regular posts. Since September 23 I have met some amazing people with whom I got to share ideas and learn. I will share with you some of my observations and things that I have learned in future posts.
Something that was continually affirmed is that you can’t stray very far from the basics if you want to be the best at what you do. This is probably not what a lot of the younger generation of coaches want to hear but it is a fact. Not real complicated, simpler seemed to be better. A sound technical model coupled with good consistent training and a healthy lifestyle is a common thread I heard from the best coaches and athletes I observed and interacted with. I must admit that it was no surprise, but I was surprised at how often it was verbalized.
A pearl that I culled from the past few days at the USATF convention is that the art of coaching is nothing more than organized common sense.