The individual training session is the cornerstone of the entire training plan. A long-term plan is a succession of linked individual training sessions in pursuit of specific objectives. Because the session is the cornerstone of a training program, it should occupy the most amount of attention in planning and management of each session. At the conclusion of each workout, the session must be carefully evaluated and the following sessions adjusted accordingly.
The long-term plan is a general guide; a broad over view so to speak. It is the individual training session where the long-term plan is actually implemented. Therefore it is important to understand the necessity of adjustments and flexibility within the context of the plan, especially at the level of the daily training session. Contingency planning is a very important, and a necessary part of the planning process. It is especially important to have contingency plans ready for individual training sessions based on the athlete’s readiness for the training session.
Every component in the workout must be in pursuit of the specific objectives of the workout and follow the general theme for that particular session. The workout is not an end in itself, it is however a means to an end, therefore it must be put in the context of the whole training plan, so it is important to not let the individual training session get blown out of proportion. The present session should flow out of the previous session and lead into the next session.
Management considerations sometimes dictate the workouts. Management issues include training time available, size of the facility relative to the number of athletes training, equipment available, coaching personnel available as well a the number of athletes that will participate in the actual training session.