Life is precious and fragile. The passing of Steve Jobs and the outpouring of accolades and the review of his accomplishments and philosophies only served to remind of the fragility of life. How special life is and how important it is to live each day as if it is our last. It took me 62 years to figure this out! Two years ago yesterday, Jed Anderson, my brother-in-law and friend passed away. I got to spend three precious days with him in November 2009, when he was terminally ill. I knew it would be the last time I would see him. Seeing and experiencing the dignity and courage he showed in his illness woke me up. It made realize how special family and close personal relationships with friends. How LOVE is a word not to tossed around lightly or taken for granted. How important relationships, giving and helping other is. Jed may not have been Steve Jobs, but he changed his world with his impact on his family, friends and community. Reflecting on those three days with Jed made me realize how important it is to take a moment each day to stop and reflect on who you are and to reach out and thank someone special to you. When all is said and done the material accomplishments, the wins and loses, the accolades are meaningless. It is how you live your life. Admit your faults and mistakes. Do some small things everyday to make your world and a better place and those around you better. Thank you Jed for opening my eyes, you are with us everyday in spirit.