Sport is a fluid, dynamic, challenging, unpredictable combination of movements all taking place in a chaotic environment. A sound functional assessment looks at the key elements that we can identify and measure and then matches those up with the physical competencies. Determine where each individual stands and design an appropriate training program that prepares for the demands of the sport. Not everyone is created equal, not everyone will start at the same place on the exercise progression continuum. That is where the assessment is most valuable, it helps to place the individual at the appropriate starting point based on their physical competencies. Use this as an advantage to meet individual needs. There should be little or no need for so called “corrective exercise” because the training is designed to take advantage of the individual’s strengths and minimize their weaknesses.
The actual assessment should not be sterile and artificial. It should incorporate a variety of movements in multiple planes that will give a clear picture of the athlete’s physical literacy. It is not designed to generate random numbers with no context and therefore no meaning. Count what counts and then make it count with appropriate training that provides measurable and visible results. Don't get caught up in nuance, cut to the chase. Determine key performance indicators. Assess exactly what needs to be assessed to determine the status of the individual relative to the key performance indicators. Periodically reassess to determine progress and gains in functional movement literacy. Modify training to reflect adaptation. At the conclusion of the training program based on the functional assessment you should have a highly adaptable athlete completely prepared to perform in the competition arena.