Are you fit for the sport or fit for the test? I learned a long time ago that are what you train to be. I know I want the athletes that I coach to be prepared for the game or match not some arbitrary fitness test that gives a meaningless measure that has no relation to the game. I don’t want to hear that it tests mental toughness that is pure bunk. I want them completely prepared for the demands of the sport, completely adaptable not adapted to some artificial measure. Training must be sport appropriate so testing must be sport appropriate. Training time is precious so use it wisely with mindful training methods that are meaningful, transfer to performance and make the athletes better not just tired. Remember Testing =Training and Training = Testing so each drill, each exercise, for that matter each training session is an opportunity to evaluate the athletes and teams progress to achievement of their goals. No need to have some magic “fitness’ test that supposedly indicates their fitness to play. Be confident in your ability to prepare the athlete and get it done.