Certainly we all recognize how important it is to have a clear goal – that is the destination. But without a working compass oriented to true north it is difficult to reach the destination, to achieve the goal. It is important that the compass be oriented to true north not magnetic north. Magnetic north can be as much as three degrees off from true north. You must constantly reorient because the compass naturally wants to align with magnetic north. The compass will keep you on track if you have a current map to guide the journey. Even more helpful can be advice from someone who has been there before. They can help avoid detours and roadblocks on the way to your destination. True north represents your core beliefs; the compass and road map help you stay aligned with your core beliefs. The mentor is someone who has been where you want to go. You can’t do it alone, seek guidance from others, make sure the compass is working and have an accurate map. Oh by the way be sure to take time to enjoy the journey.