The words function and functional training have been bastardized and trivialized to the point that they are virtually meaningless. We need to come up with a better more exact term that is descriptive of function and functional training. Certainly everything and anything that involves movement is functional, it is just how functional it is? I don’t have a solution to this dilemma, but I am very concerned. The dangerous “stuff” that I see marketed as functional training alarms me. Anyone can make someone tired and keep them entertained, but is it really training with a purpose or goal? Frankly I find myself rarely if ever using the word function or functional training because it conjures up images in people’s minds that I do not stand for. Many people consider me the father of functional training, but what I see now in many cases are bastard stepchildren out to make a fast a fast buck with no interest in advancing the profession of coaching and sound training of athletes. In many cases these programs are dangerous and actually hurt people. I would be interested in your ideas and input to help get us back on the true functional path.