Today in my post on today on "Professional Development" I mentioned knowing the coaching classics and history. Below is a list of some of the books I consider classics that every coach must read (I have posted this list before, but think it is worthwhile to post again)
The Inner Athlete by Bob Nidefer
Problem Athletes and How to Handle Them by Tom Tutko and Bruce Ogilvie
Psychology and the Superior Athlete by Miroslav Vanek and Bryant J. Cratty
Scientific Principles of Coaching by John Bunn
What Research Tells The Coach About Sprinting by George Dintiman
Track & Field Omnibook by Ken Doherty
Modern Track & Field by Ken Doherty
Modern Training For Running by Ken Doherty
The Science of Swimming by James E. Counsilman
The Mechanics of Athletics by Geoffrey Dyson
Better Athletes Trough Weight Training by Bob Hoffman
Hidden causes of injury, prevention, and correction for running athletes by John Jesse
Wrestling Physical Conditioning Encyclopedia by John Jesse
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation: Patterns and Techniques by Dorothy Knotts and Margaret Voss
Scientific Principles and Methods of Strength Fitness. By Patrick O’Shea
Total Body Training by Richard H. Dominguez and Robert Gajda
Kinesiology by Gene Logan and Wayne C. McKinney
Skill In Sport by Barbara Knapp
Acquiring Ball Skill – A Psychological Interpretation by H.T.A. Whiting
The Thinking Body by Mabel Todd
Run Run Run by Fred Wilt
How They Train by Fred Wilt
Mechanics Without Tears by Fred Wilt
No Bugles, No Drums by Peter Snell
The Unforgiving Minute by Ron Clarke with Alan Trengove
Run to the Top by Arthur Lydiard
Franz Stampfl on Running by Franz Stampfl
The Jim Ryun Story by Cordner Nelson
Another Hurdle by Dave Hemry
Run To Daylight by Vince Lombardi and W.C. Heinz
Track and Field Dynamics by Tom Ecker
Championship Track and Filed by Tom Ecker
Biomechanics of Athletic Movement by Gerhard Hochmuth
Sports Physiology by Edward L. Fox
Interval Training – Conditioning for Sports and General Fitness by Edward L. Fox and Donald K. Mathews
Biomechanics and Energetics of Muscular Exercise by Rodolfo Margaria
Biomechanics of Sports Techniques by Jim Hay
Introduction to Biomechanic analysis of sport by John W. Northrip, Gene A. Logan and Wayne C. McKinney
Principles of Sports Training – Introduction to the Theory and methods of Training by Dietrich Harre
Fundamental of Sports Training by L. Matveyev
Sports Training Principles by Frank Dick
Training Theory by Frank Dick
Track Speed – Hurdles, Sprints and relays by John Le Masurier
Track and Field – Textbook for Coaches and Sports Teachers Edited by Gerhardt Schmolinsky
Olympic Track And Field Techniques by Tom Ecker, Fred Wilt, and Jim Hay
So You Want to Be A Sprinter by Bud Winter
International Track and field Coaching Encyclopedia by Feed Wilt and Tom Ecker
Track in Theory and Technique Edited by Thomas P. Rosandich
The Hurdlers Bible by Wilbur Ross
Mechanics of the Pole Vault by R.V. Ganslen
The Triple Jump Encyclopedia by Ernie Bullard and Larry Knuth
Tendinitis: it’s Etiology and Treatment (First Edition) by Sandra Curwin and William D. Stanish
The Sweet Spot in Time by John Jerome
Weight Training In Athletics by Jim Murray and Peter V. Karpovich
Weight Training in Athletics and Physical Education by Gene Hooks
Circuit Training by Manfred Scholich
Circuit Training by R. E. Adamson and G.T. Morgan
The Miracle Machine by Doug Gilbert
The System of Physical Education in the USSR Edited by G. I Kukushkin
The Soviet Road To Olympus – Theory And Practice Of Soviet Physical Culture And Sport by N. Norman Shneidman
1000 Exercises d’ Athletisme by Kurt Murer and Walter Bucher
Winning Volleyball – Fundamentals, Tactics and Strategy by Allen E. Scates
The Pursuit of Sporting Excellence – A Study of Sport’s Highest Achievers by David Henry
The Athletic Revolution by Jack Scott
Meat on the Hoof – The Hidden World of Texas Football by Gary Shaw
Out of Their League by Dave Meggyesy