You would have to live in a cave to not be aware that today
is the fiftieth anniversary of the march on Washington. As I reflect back on
the last fifty years I am amazed at the progress that we have made as a nation
in terms of racial equality. Although we have progressed far as a nation now is
the time to take some time to reflect on where we have been, where we are and
where we are going. All the attention on the march on Washington can serve as a
good contextual framework for all of us to be more accountable as citizens and
for us to hold our political leaders accountable. We need to revive the spirit
of change that signified the Sixties. We have greater economic inequality than anytime
in our history, a dysfunctional government and a deficient educational system.
All of those represent opportunities for change, change for the better, but it
will only happen if we get totally involved. Think about this as you watch or listen
to the coverage of the anniversary of the march on Washington. I am proud to be
an American. As a first generation American I have benefited from the American
dream, I would like to see everyone have the same opportunity. Listen to Martin
Luther King’s speech and take some to reflect on his words and do something
about it.