following are two letters to coaches. They are not actual letters rather they
are composites of letters. The first letter is from 1970 to me in my first year
coaching, the second letter is from 2013 that a colleague shared with me.
Compare and contrast the content and tone of the letters.
1970 –
Dear Coach (Letter)
in the insurance form for Johnny’s participation in track. Also enclosed is a
check for $9.95 for the shoes you were able to get at a discount for the team.
Thank you for your help with Johnny he is looking forward to track. Please
contact us if there is anything we can help with.
Mr &
Mrs. Smith
2013 –
Dear Coach (E mail)
I just
wanted to inform you that we cannot sign the insurance form until it is
approved by our attorney. Because Johnny can’t practice without the insurance
form we will continue to have him work with his personal trainer and personal
jump coach. When our attorney approves the insurance Johnny will only be able
to practice with the team one day a week. In addition after reviewing the meet
schedule and consulting with his doctor, massage therapist, psychologist and personal
jump coach Johnny will only compete in three meets. He is only allowed to
compete in one event in those meets. Our advisory team feels this is best for
his long term development. We do not want to compromise his DI scholarship
opportunities or his Olympic berth in 2020.
If you
need any coaching advice please feel free to consult with Johnny’s personal
coach. He is available by appointment at 11:00 am on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday. Athletes like my soon are very special you are very fortunate to have
Johnny on your team.
Mrs. Jones
You might
say this is is an exaggeration, unfortunately it is not. It is becoming the
norm. Coaching today presents some unique challenges that did not exist in
1970. There are no quick and easy answers to the problems
presented by the second letter.