Why do some athletes get it and make it and others with
equal talent and ability fall by the wayside. This is a lifelong fascination of
mine. Talent and ability are a given to make it to elite status, but it is so
much more than that. Some athletes navigate the path easily and directly and
other struggle, but both still make it. Why? Certainly athlete development and
passage through to elite status is a process. There is no one model or
framework. Nor is there a set time like ten years or a time period like 10,000
hours. No doubt it is related to practice depth and quality. It is related to
coaching guidance to first ignite the spark of interest, then inspire and guide
the athlete.
Lately I have been totally immersed in studying the process
of developing the athlete. It has been a four pronged emphasis: First I have
been studying the research and coaching literature, interviewing experts,
reviewing my experiences doing research for my new book and some presentations
I will give this fall. Second my work with the Ministry of Sport in Trinidad
and Tobago on athlete and coach development has driven me to look at various
national programs and countries to see how they have approached the athlete and
coach development process. Third and probably the most hands on and in my eyes
the most important has been my work with the swim teams that I consult with.
They are all age group development clubs so it is a living laboratory and
window into the development process. Fourth I have been reviewing my career and
experiences in developing athletes to see if there are patterns and
The goal is to identify the talent and ability and then
develop that in a systematic manner. Sounds simple and some of the models that
have looked almost exclusively at the physiology of it and the physical growth
and development parameters have in my opinion oversimplified it. I am not into
making it more complex, but in this case we must look at development from a
more holistic perspective. We need to consider the socio cultural milieu in
which we are developing the athlete and the athlete’s emotional, cognitive,
social and psychological development.
We know how important it is foster a growth mindset though
the work of Carol Dweck. We need to avoid the dangers of anointing and appointing
the young developing athlete on the bases of talent alone. We need to allow
them room to grow into their perceived talent form a holistic perspective. We
need to give them space and not impose adult values and expectations on them.
We can’t deny that simple genetic inheritance plays a part
in the process. You can’t take a plow horse and win the Kentucky Derby, however
you can make it a faster plow horse or we can direct that plow horse to an
event where it could be successful. That is part of the development process. In
other words you must systematically nurture the nature, grow it, guide it to
achieve its potential.
In so many ways the physical development part is
straightforward. We must be acutely aware of the effects of growth and
development and adjust training and technique accordingly. My observation is
that understanding and guiding emotional growth, self-image development and
cognitive growth are the difference makes in those who make it and those who
don’t. We need to teach them how to train, how to compete, how to live in the
context of the “24 Hour Athlete” concept. They need to understand that athletic
excellence is not a gift but a lifestyle. Recognize that talent and ability
will only take them so far. One key difference maker is grit. Look at the work
of Angela Duckworth at University of Pennsylvania on this. The ability to
handle adversity, make mistakes in training and competition and persevere is a
huge part of the process.
Athlete development is not climbing a ladder toward excellence.
That implies a linear process, which it is not. It is a journey, some of it
through charted territory and some through the unknown as each athlete is
different. The journey has many twists, turns and detours. As part of the
process as coaches we need to help the athlete navigate the various roadblocks
and obstacles along the way. We do this by teaching them how to train, how to
manage their lives, and how to control their emotions.
Developing an athlete from beginner to elite is a complex
process. The path to excellence is varied; we must understand all the variables
and account for those in the development process.