I have pretty much gone non-stop without any significant breaks especially from travel for the last two years, some of this by design and some just due to circumstance. I have been home now for two weeks and two weekends in a row. It has been time for me to get some down time to rest, to renew my energy, to sharpen my focus on my goals, to do future planning, to get caught up on research and finally to read (Read eleven books since I have been home). I have a lighter schedule going forward the rest of the fall that will enable me to turn my energies to the two major areas of focus for me in the next year: Growing the GAIN professional development community and begin writing in earnest on my new book – Developing Athletes. I will keep you updated on my progress in the blog, on Facebook and on twitter. Look for an announcement in mid October for the dates of GAIN VIII – 2014. I also plan to get back to blogging on a regular basis. My head is full of ideas based on things I have seen and people I have met in my travels. I also would be interested in ideas from you on what you would like me to write about.
The batteries are almost fully recharged looking forward to continued learning and sharing.