GAIN started in 2008, but the genesis of GAIN goes back to the start of my coaching career in 1969.It quickly became clear to me that anytime I could meet with professional colleagues to exchange ideas that my performance as a coach would improve. It all started to come together for me in July 1972 at the first AAU Learn By Doing Track & Field Clinic. It went for four days from 7:00 AM in the morning to 9:00 PM at night and then there were discussions about what we had learned that went late into the night. I came away from that experience vowing to repeat the experience wherever and whenever possible. It was career changing for me. I now had a network of coaches I could communicate with and I no longer felt like the Lone Ranger. Going forward into the 1980’s a group of us would convene at every opportunity, usually at National Championships or conventions with the express purpose to share ideas and cross check each others training programs. These occasions were uplifting and sometimes quite challenging when you did not hear what you wanted to hear.
In 1992,I started teaching the Building and Rebuilding The Athlete seminar. It started as a two day seminar consisting a broad overview of all the components of training and rehab for the athlete. The volume of content and format only allowed us to scratch the surface. Each seminar someone would ask me if I ever was going to initiate something beyond Building and Rebuilding. Because of various factors, I was unable to do so until 2008 when we had our first GAIN at the Holiday Inn Sports complex in Sunrise Florida. There were twenty brave souls in attendance; I don’t think any of us had a good idea of what it would be.
Seven years later, GAIN has evolved and grown into the career changing experience that I hoped it would be when I started it. We have highly motivated attendees who are professionals in their various areas and a superb faculty who are high-level practitioners who have their skin in the game. They know through practice based evidence what it takes to achieve results at the highest levels of sport and they are willing to share.
Join us in this learning journey of professional development. There is no experience like this total immersion for five days with highly motivated professionals. I am only a facilitator, a catalyst - the strength is in the network and the subsequent connections into a learning community of highly motivated professionals eager to challenge ideas, generate new ideas and take a different look at old ones. Go to and apply now.