This post is in honor of the birthday of one of my heroes (I don’t have many) – Sir Roger Bannister who is 87 years old today. He refused to believe in barriers. He broke the four-minute mile barrier while training one hour a day during his residency in medical school. He opened the floodgates within a short period of time three others broke four minutes proving the artificial nature of barriers. It takes one pioneer to question conventional wisdom, to not believe the myths. Banister did that, he knew that it was well within the realm of human physiology when the “experts’ were saying it was well neigh impossible. The same is true for all so-called barriers. They are artificial; they are stepping-stones to excellence. Get out there and get after it, don’t let anyone hold you back. Focus on what can be done, the possibilities, leave the naysayers in the dust. Thank you Sir Roger for inspiring me as a youngster to not believe in barriers and have wonderful birthday.