I have a passionate belief in defining the field of athletic development. I have consistently questioned much of what passes as conventional wisdom in regards to training and rehab and I ask you to do the same. Think and question. I am not a sport scientist, physical therapist, ATC, a doctor, or a sport psychologist; I am a coach and educator. As a coach I have to travel in all those worlds. Because of my experience in those worlds I learned to use conventional wisdom as a starting point and not be constrained by it. I certainly have learned from all those disciplines and have incorporated those lessons into a systematic approach to athletic development. I specialize in being a generalist. Being a generalist allows me to focus on the big picture, the connections and relationships that define athleticism. The arena of athletic competition on the track, the fields, courts and pools of the world are the laboratories to test these concepts. There is no hiding in this arena; it is a results driven world where training mistakes and inadequate preparation are quickly exposed.