A cornerstone of my system is winning the workout. Winning the workout consists of high-quality work done with intent and purpose. Remember that quality is a measure of perfect. The goal is always high-quality work coupled with perfect effort looking toward preparation for competition. We always aim to own the finish. This morning Emma Weyant of the Sarasota Sharks definitely won the workout. Five minutes of circuit work with one minute between circuits. 40 seconds on and 20 seconds off aiming for maximum reps on each exercise. This is the “own the finish” workout. (After a two and a half hours swimming workout) This is how you get to be the best. This young lady has a champions mindset and work ethic, that is why she is number one in the world in 400 IM for 18-year old’s and top ten at all age groups. She makes champions choices every day. Thanks to Coach Brent Arckey for having me work with the Sharks.