GAIN 2022 was amazing! After being online for two years it was so great to be back together in person. Special thank you to those behind the scenes that helped to make it special: Martin Bingisser who has taken over much of GAIN administration and organization. My wife Melissa who does all the advance work. Ed Ryan who keeps things on time and efficient and keeps me under control. Brek Christensen, assistant track coach at Rice who secures the facilities. Those who make it extra special are the presenters and the attendees. What a wonderful group of professionals. This year’s theme was Coloring Outside the lines, and we did by constantly challenging each other through questions and discussions. The most important part of GAIN is the N in GAIN which is the network. The professional and personal connections that we make are invaluable and in many cases career changing. Enjoy my opening presentation Coloring Outside the Lines by going to this link For more information about GAIN go to